The model that green post uses for their vape gets clogged with resin a lot more easily than my other Vapes, of various different models.
There are different methods to unclog a vape, but you have to be more careful with disposable vapes. All I did was set the vape out in the hot Southern Arizona Sun for almost an hour, and it was unclogged and working normally. For those of you that don't have the geographical privilege of sun and dry heat, The other suggestions is to use a thin mechanism to unclog the vape like a safety pin or toothpick. Another method is to use a hair dryer on high heat a few inches away from it for about 30 seconds to a minute. The resin in this vape was particularly thick, so it was easier for me to just sit it outside in the sun. I wouldn't suggest this if you are prone to losing track of time, however. Extended exposure to extreme heat will damage the vape. I knew where I was sitting at would eventually become shaded, so I was more certain that the mechanism wouldn't get damaged.
Also keep track of your disposable vape models to know what you're willing to deal with. As much as I enjoy this strain, I don't know if I'm going to get another vape of this model, given how easy it is to clog. Unfortunately, if I want to vape a particular strain and they only come in a brand that uses this model I'll very likely have to deal with it again. I'll just be sure to get it when it's hot in Arizona, since I'm moving here.
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