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Showing posts from September, 2020

Anime fans: Stop being racist part 1/?: GANGS AND MAFIA

 Some things that I need to clear up that I see a lot of people messing up. I'm going to be calling a lot of people out here. Yakuza is not the Japanese word for gang. The Yakuza are a specific game where a lot of the original members are dead. A lot of people calling themselves Yakuza today are posers. You can't have Japanese Mafia. First of all of this this thing called culture. Second of all there's this thing called geographic location in relation to culture. Mafia is Italian. Yakuza is Japanese. The "however many numbers families" e.i. "the four families" is also an Italian(-American) Mafia reference. They don't have that in Japan either. There's way more to gangs than what's going on in Italy and Japan. stop romanticizing gangs if you're not going to add in the crips and bloods, because a lot of people that I'm addressing that are having these issues are Americans. A lot of y'all are getting your information from...

seven deadly sins ended boring

Seven deadly sins checked off every damn trope box. Side characters getting pushed out of the story period unrequited love by a death that is tragic but people still get to say their last words. people having sex with each other and reproducing even though it doesn't make any since for them to be able to - HarleyQuinn and Diane. Ignoring the gratuitous sexual assault and how everything is just really creepy and grooming and going with the main characters anyway - Elizabeth and Meliodas. And also HarleyQuinn and Diane, technically. The androgynous character being single forever. The carefree sweethearts - Ban and Eliena. What's really weird is that the couple that ended up being the carefree sweethearts are the two that were the most serious and honest with each other about their feelings the whole time. I'm just sick of the "everyone lives cisgender and heterosexual and they all lived happily ever after (until the sequel sometimes)". Where the gays?! Why is no o...