The video: this is a review of The takoda Institute adult education on Franklin avenue in Minneapolis Minnesota! Availability - they have reasonable daytime hours, 8 - 3 and 4. Accessibility - as someone who admittedly isn't disabled, I would say that the building is easy to navigate with wide hallways and a lot of movable furniture. The doorways do seem kind of narrow to me, so I don't know how someone with wheelchair would get into some of the rooms. But if someone who isn't wheelchair-bound I don't know what the necessary with is. But they feel narrow to me is an able-bodied person. Location - the main office in a lot of the adult education programs in a right on cedar and Franklin. These are bus routes blue Line, 22, 2, 67, and a 9 mainly. I would say that's a great location with high Public transportation traffic. cedar avenue and Franklin avenue are not so great during rush hour for personal vehicles. they do have their own parking...