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my opinions on a Beetlejuice cartoon continuation

Things I would really fuck up a Beetlejuice cartoon continuation:  Have Dolores in the cartoon, at any capacity.  I know some people want that, but the Dolores didn't do anything except being a looming threat in the background of the movie. Totally remove Beetlejuice and have the story be solely about Lydia.  However, I would be happy if the first few episodes being about Lydia and how they met and Lydia's backstory and then jumping to where they are now.  Crossing the continuities.  Like a 30-year time skip where Lydia has a child and is getting divorced. Leave the continuities separate.  What I would really like in a Beetlejuice cartoon continuation: 5 or 10 year time skip where Lydia follows in beetlejuices footsteps and learns magic.  They make the cartoon for teens and young adults instead of children, so they can lean more into Lydia/ Beetlejuice. LESS 4TH WALL BREAKING Move away from the gross out humor and fully embrace the body horror aspects ...
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